
Origins: Ancient History

Evidence of tattoos have been around for thousands of years, dating back to the Upper Paleolithic period (10,000 BC-38,000 BC) in which bone needles used as tattoo instruments have been discovered around Europe. Egyptian mummies have also been found to have tattoos, and example being Amunet, priestess of Hathor of Thebes and the oldest known tattooed mummy. Amunet's mummified body had parallel lines inked into her arms and thighs as well as a tattoo below her navel. 
Along with Egyptian tattooed mummies, all of which are female, archeologists have also found statues with similar designs in tombs. These symbols found both on the statues and the mummies themselves are signs of fertility and rejuvenation.

 Multiple other mummies have been uncovered in various other countries such as Libya, Russia and Peru, the tattoos mostly relating to sun worship and the worship of gods. 

The oldest formula for tattoo ink was written by Roman physician Aetius in the sixth century. They referred to tattoos as "stigmates" which is the Latin translation. The ink used was made of Egyptian pine wood, corroded bronze, gall, sulfuric acid, vinegar, water and leek juice and then injected into the skin using needles.

Overall, tattoos in the ancient world are very similar to tattoos today due to the fact that they typically hold cultural or personal significance.

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